House - la maison

My House

Découvrez les pièces de la maison en anglais, ainsi qu'une phrase simple et courte pour décrire chaque pièce !

A partir du Cycle 1 (GS)

A partir du Cycle 2


This is my house! 

There are roofs, windows and a door. 
The roof is red. 

There are many windows in my house. 

The door is large. 

There is a beautiful garden. 

The car is parked in the garage. 

This is the living room. 
living room 

There are a television, sofas, and a bookshelf. 
There is a soft carpet on the floor. 
carpet sofa bookshelf television 

This is the kitchen. 

There are a stove, a refrigerator, and a table. 
There are dishes, spoons, forks, and knives on the table. 
stove refrigerator dish spoon fork knife 

This is the bathroom. 

There are a tub, a toilet, and a sink. 
There are some soap and towels, too. 
toilet tub sink soap towel 

This is my bedroom. 

There are a bed, a blanket and a pillow. 
bed blanket pillow 

English Singsing

House Vocabulary

Une vidéo en immersion totale en anglais authentique (US), avec du vocabulaire illustré en images, mais aussi des phrases explicatives tout en anglais (débit un peu rapide).

A partir du Cycle 3

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