Autumn / Fall video songs

Voici quelques chansons d'automne en anglais pour des enfants de maternelle et primaire (cycles 1 et 2).

Fall and Autumn counting song for children
Look up there in the tree!
How many leaves do you see?
Let's count...
How many leaves do you see?
How many leaves in the tree?
Let's all count them... 1,2,3
How many leaves do you see?
1, 2, 3
I see 1 leaf in the tree
I see 2 leaves in the tree
I see 3 leaves in the tree
Let's all count them... 1,2,3
What colors do you see?
What color leaves do you see?
What color leaves are in the tree?
Let's all count them... 1,2,3
What color leaves do you see?
Red, orange, yellow
I see a red leaf in the tree
I see an orange leaf in the tree
I see a yellow leaf in the tree
Red, orange, yellow, 1, 2, 3
The leaves are falling down
How many leaves are falling down?
How many leaves are on the ground?
Let's all count them 1, 2 ,3
How many leaves do you see?
Red, orange, yellow
I see a red leaf falling down (...)
Red, orange, yellow on the ground.

Why do leaves change color? 
Why do leaves change color? It happens every year. 
There's nothing to fear.
The leaves are changing color. For a good reason.
The leaves are changing color. For a new season.
Why do leaves change color? To make way for winter.
Why do leaves change color? To make way for spring.
The leaves are changing color. And falling from the tree.
The leaves are changing color. What colors can we see?
Yellow, orange, red, brown (...)
The leaves are changing color. To grow back fresh and green.

Orange, yellow, red and brown

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