Bilan du stage d'été 2013

Et voici le Summer Course achevé!
Ainsi se termine notre excellente année scolaire 2012-2013.

Wednesday, July 3rd


"I'm painting a cherry tree" - Antoine (3 ans)

"I'm painting leaves" - Mathilde (3 ans)

"I'm painting cherries" - Florence (5 ans)

 Monday, July 8th

We had basketball players, soccer players, cricket players, roller skaters, etc.

We ate some nice summer fruits! Yummy!


Tuesday, July 9th
FRUIT-PICKING at the jardin d'Orgères

After a nice snack with sweet bread (brioche) and natural apple juice from the farm, we started our discovery of the garden.

"Look at my cherries!"

We then walked towards the other field to pick up rapsberries and strawberries.

We had a nice snack again with apple juice and sweet bread (brioche).

Story time with Nicole, our dear Californian volunteer. She read again Robert Raspberry story that we read in the classroom last wednesday.


Thank you so much Nicole for your nice company.
The weather was great!


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